
Step One: Choose a Book

It’d be a great idea to review a book that hasn’t been posted about on Bookalicious, however if I love your post/your perspective of the book is different/something changes my mind, I will happily post it alongside the original post. 🙂

Step Two: Read the Book

You see, I have read book blogs and known when the author hasn’t even read the book – it is very obvious! It will be easy to get your post accepted, but PLEASE read the book!!

Step Three: Write a DRAFT

Writing a review doesn’t take 2 seconds, and I understand that (duh)! So, in lieu of making you work tirelessly on a ‘perfect’ post, I encourage you to send me a draft (using the form, of course) and we can discuss it, together. This saves both of us a lot of time – which is always great. 🙂

Step Four: Keep in Contact With Me

I will continue to eMail and discuss the book/your post for a while, so please don’t forget about me! I won’t ever spam you, nor will I message you every 5 minutes, but if you have a spare 10 minutes, please check your eMails and reply to my questionsss… 😀

Step Five: Pen Names!

Yes! The whole point of this site was to get some partially anonymous reviewers to submit posts once every fortnight – on a Friday. If you’ve ever read Sophie Kinsella’s ‘Shopaholic’ series, you’ll recognise “The Girl in the Green Scarf” as Becky’s pen name… Now it is time to choose yours! Obviously, you’re allowed to use a nickname, or you could be creative and use foreign words (as long as they relate to the subject of your post/book/reading/blogging), but it’d be super cool if you had your own green scarf name, hey?

I will help anyone who is having trouble with this. 🙂


If you have any issues, questions, comments or concerns, don’t hesitate to eMail me at, or submit a form via – the book blog.